Sunday, May 24, 2020
Martin Robinson Delany An African American Man - 1148 Words
Martin Robinson Delany was an African-American man, born to a free mother and a slave father, on May 6, 1812 (Martin Robison Delany, 2014). Delany’s grandparents were captured and brought to America to as slaves, but it was later found that his maternal grandfather was an African Mandingo prince so he was given freedom and returned to Africa. It was because of this that Delany’s mother, Pati was a free woman. In the 1800’s in Virginia, Pati encountered anger from white’s who found out that she was teaching her children to read. In 1822 she packed up the family leaving her husband behind and moved to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (Sekora, 2013). His father bought his freedom later and joined the family. Delany began his†¦show more content†¦(Rosenfeld, 1989, pg.802). He severed ties with Frederick Douglass and returned to practice medicine with two doctors in Pennsylvania. In 1850 Martin Delany and two other blacks were accepted into Harvard Me dical School. They were the first blacks to be accepted, but they were unable to complete their education, because of protests from white students saying that admitting blacks compromised the school’s academic standards. The three students were asked to withdraw from school after just a few weeks. Delany was upset because he had letters of recommendation from the white doctors he had been working with so he knew that he deserved to be at Harvard. He believed that education was a major part in the struggle for freedom of black people and that something was wrong if education only liberated the mind without equipping the â€Å"liberated†with means of economic survival (Adeleke, 1994, pg.224). Through his experiences and those of black professionals that he knew, Delany became angry with the treatment of blacks in northern society. In 1852 he wrote his first manifesto The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States, Polit ically Considered this book expressed Delany’s strong belief that blacks could never have freedom or equality, as a slave or free man, in the U.S. and it was his firm belief that they should migrate back to Africa. In 1859 he wrote Blake which was the accounts of a runaway slave, who at this time was on
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Legacy Of Isaac Monroe Cline - 1252 Words
Isaac Monroe Cline was one of the era’s new scientists who believed he knew everything there was to be known about the motions of clouds and the behavior of storms. Isaac was the chief of the United States Weather Service bureau in Galveston at this time. The idea of a hurricane destroying the city of Galveston baffled him. As rain started to fall in the city with a higher intensity than normal, people were reassured by Isaac’s beliefs. He was completely wrong. Galveston which is located on Galveston Island is a twenty-nine mile strip of land estimated about two miles off the coast of Texas. With the miles of beaches and nice weather it was a popular resort and seemed to be headed in the direction to become the New York City of the Gulf Coast. It had also become a commercial port which was thriving. On September 8th, 1900 this changed. Many vacationers on this day did not pay attention to the warnings let out by the United States Weather Bureau to get to higher ground. Little did they know a category four hurricane was about to strike the city becoming the nation’s deadliest natural disaster still to this day. About six to eight thousand people lost their lives out of about thirty-six thousand total on the island. (about 20%) In comparison these deaths were greater than the combined of the Johnstown Flood and San Francisco Earthquake. Bussert 3 Galveston was only eight to nine feet above sea level and as the waters began rising nobody payed
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Flow Measuring Apparatus Report - 1507 Words
Table of Contents Abstract 1 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Experimental Design 3 2.1 Diagram of Experiment 3 2.2 Methods 4 2.3 Procedure 4 3.0 Results Discussion 5 3.1 Table of Results 5 3.2 Discussion 6 4.0 Conclusion 8 References 9 ABSTRACT The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the flow rate/discharge and the head loss of 3 particular flow measuring apparatus which are the Venturi Meter, Orifice Meter and Rota Meter in accordance to Bernoulli’s Equation. The time taken for the water to discharge as the diameter of Rota Meter increased was determined and tabulated. Then, the discharge head loss for each apparatus is calculated using the data obtained through the experiment and the†¦show more content†¦8. Readings of the manometers are recorded and tabled during this period. 9. The procedure is repeated for a number of equidistant values of rotameter readings up to a maximum of approximately 220mm. 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Table of Results | | Manometric Levels (mm) |Rotameter (cm) |Water mass |Time t (s) | | | | |m(kg) | | |Test No. |A |B | Test No. |Venturi |Orifice |Rotameter Calibration Curve |Weight Tank m/t |Venturi |Orifice |Rotameter |Diffuser |Elbow | |1 |0.4167 |0.2275 | |0.0735 |1.984 |0.34309 |66.1376 |0 |0.0001 | |2 |0.7871 |0.2275 | |0.1020 |1.050 |0.34511 |35.0140 |0 |0.0001 | |3 |1.3427 |0.3185 | |0.1282 |1.642 |0.31943 |22.7833 |-3.284 |0.0001 | |4 |2.0372 |0.4095 | |0.1429 |1.353 |0.32282 |13.7987 |-6.494 |0.0001 | |5 |2.9169 |0.5915 | |0.1515 |1.228 |0.33329 |9.8262 |-6.047 |0.0001 | |6 |3.9355 |0.728 | |0.1613 |1.120 |0.33058 |7.5630 |-6.723 |0.0001 | |7 |5.2319 |1.183 | |0.1786 |1.054 |0.33884 |5.7944 |-5.9 |0.0001 | |Table 2: Flow Rate Head Loss 3.2. Discussion The aim of the experiment was to demonstrate the characteristics ofShow MoreRelatedInvestigating The Coefficient Of Thermal Conductivity For Copper And Stainless Steel1589 Words  | 7 PagesLab Report Module Name: Mechanical Principles (ENGD1005) Experiment Name: Thermal Conductivity Student P-number: P14177341 Lab Tutor : Dr Rick Greenough Date: 26/11/2014 Objectives of the experiment: The objective of the experiment was to measure and determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity for copper and stainless steel. Background: Thermal conduction is the transfer of heat energy in a material due to the temperature gradient. It always takesRead MoreChemistry Galvanic Cell1634 Words  | 7 Pagesthe two half cells reacting with the two metals to produce current, the greater the flow of current will be produced from the galvanic cell. Independent Variable: Concentration of both reactants (Zn2+ and Cu2+). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Titanic The Musical free essay sample
When we thought that we were at the peak of this new Titanic frenzy, along comes a musical with such power, emotion, and strength to sweep the Tonys with five awards, including Best Musical, Best Orchestration, Best Book, Best Original Score, and Best Scenic Designer. Instead of having one or two main characters who fall in love, this musical is about the ship herself, the R.M.S. Titanic, and takes place between April 10, 1912 (the day the Titanic left England) and April 15, when 711 (of the 2228 passengers) were picked up out of the sea and lifeboats. This musical takes us through the five days the Titanic sailed the Atlantic Ocean. Besides all the famous first-class figures, the musical leads us into the lives of the officers, the radiomen, the lookouts, and the stoker who worked behind the scenes to make the journey as enjoyable as they could for the passengers. The music and story that Maury Yeston and Peter Stone came up with are phenomenal. We will write a custom essay sample on Titanic The Musical or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They captured the music of both the seas and the time. In the beginning, all the passengers can think about is boarding this new ship, and traveling across the seas on the biggest moving object known to man. But once the Titanic hits the iceberg, you see their true colors; some become strong and brave, while others turn into cowards. I would definitely recommend this CD to anyone who has an interest in the ship, in musicals, or in music itself. . Titanic The Musical free essay sample It seems like everywhere you look these days you see something on theTitanic, the ship that sank in 1912 killing more than half on board.There was the movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Therewere also endless documentaries, not to mention entire sections inbookstores dedicated to the doomed ship. But I have another chapter toadd to our obsession with the hunk of ill-fated steel: its Broadwaysnew musical Titanic. Overall, this play is prettygood. There is no real plot besides the ship sinking. Thereare a bunch of mini-plots with different characters. For instance, acharacter in second class, Alice Beane (Victoria Clark) spends most ofthe play trying to get to first class to see all the millionaires. Insteerage class all the passengers dream of a new life in America,especially a woman named Kate McGowen (Jennifer Piech) whose one-nightstand left her pregnant and lost. In the engine room a worker namedFredrick Barrett (Brian dArcy James) hopes he can someday see his loveagain. We will write a custom essay sample on Titanic: The Musical or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The lyrics are clever. The music is simple but effective.Of course, some songs are better than others. The script is well-writtenand the characters well-developed, even those who really lived are wellacted and believable. My personal favorite character was Harold Bride(Martin Moran), the radio man, whose character seems like a modern-daycomputer geek placed in 1912. Even his simplest lines were deliveredwell and were hilarious. The best part of the whole play is theset. Wow!! There are basically three platforms. The top is the bridge orthe deck, the middle has the promenade decks and the bottom is thesmoking room. Then the crows nest is lowered from the top of thetheatre with the look-out man in it. When the ship is sinking well,I dont want to spoil it. You have to see it for yourself. It isamazing!! One weak point are some of the costumes. In Doingthe Latest Rag number, the costumes scared me. One of thecharacters (the only child, by the way), Jack Thayer, wore a fuchsia topand turquoise knickers. Now if that isnt scary, I dont know what is.Another Achilles heel is that there are too many characters. Thewriters should have eliminated some to avoid confusion. Otherwise, I think Titanic is worth seeing. Eventhough it costs an arm and a leg to see, it is very entertaining and itisnt totally depressing. It also isnt as long as the movie..
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