Thursday, December 26, 2019
Richard Benner s Theory Of Nurses Developing Skills And...
BENNER’S THEORY - FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT AND ITS ROLE IN APRN PRACTICE Gagandeep Sandhu Samuel Merritt University Patricia Benner’s theory From Novice to Expert is based on the concept of nurses developing skills and understanding of the patients care overtime which comes from their continued efforts towards trying to achieve strong education and personal experience. The theory explains the five levels of nursing experience: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. Starting from novice where they don’t have any experience and simply follow instructions, nurses finally reach the expert level transitioning through different levels where they rely on their experience rather than principles or guidelines to connect situations and determine actions. Their performance is fluid, flexible, and highly-proficient at this level. Benner stresses on skills through experience as a prerequisite for becoming an expert nurse (Nursing world, 2013). Benner’s theory gives a hope to new nurses and nurse practitioners in a way that experience brings expertise. Benner emphasizes on professional growth within the organization with increased experience. This theory provides a useful structure for practice development and marks out the difference between the functioning of novice and experienced nurses (Lyneham, Parkinson Denholm (2009). It emphasizes on the power of expertise and empowers the nurse to expand her knowledge. It validates the clinical
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Poverty Of The Country Of Jamaica - 1441 Words
To address inequalities in today’s society it is important to look at the source that started the inequalities. Governments around the world play a major role in creating inequalities because of their lack of involvement in society. Whether the involvement includes money, distribute of resources, or prioritizing the best interest of the people who live in their country. In the film Life and Debt, the country of Jamaica is a prime example of how governments not having involvement in their money creates larger inequalities. When tourists visit Jamaica they are excited to find out one US dollar exchanges for one hundred and twenty-seven Jamaican dollars, but tourists don’t realize their newly traded money is a result of many devaluations imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF got involved with Jamaica because the country was unable to be stable and support their own economy after their independence from Great Britain. Jamaica’s government didnâ⠂¬â„¢t have money and needed loans from the IMF so the country could be out of debt. The IMF proposed a loan agreement with Jamaica, the problem was the interest rates made it unrealistic to pay off the loan and as a result caused more debt to the country of Jamaica. With Jamaica’s economy in debt, it created few opportunities for its people to grow their income. No tourists will ever get to see the real Jamaica, where the majority of its people live in poverty. The government of Jamaica not having money to stabilizeShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Violence, Crime And Drugs On Poverty978 Words  | 4 PagesJoy Jaja 200296673 Economics 280 outline. THE IMPACT OF VIOLENCE, CRIME AND DRUGS ON POVERTY IN KINGSTON JAMAICA I. Introduction A. Background Poverty serves as a motivation to commit crimes and crime has been a substantial contributing factor to poverty in Jamaica. †¢ In Kingston, Jamaica the violence that takes place is directed at the citizens of the island. According to the Jamaica Crime and Safety Report in 2014, almost 1200 murders took place in 2013. †¢ Jamaican on Jamaican violence is aRead MoreThe Structure Of Social Service Delivery1722 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Our group found Jamaica to be an appealing Country, so in turn we decided to explore it through research. We will give an overview of the country and discuss some important characteristics, explore the structure of social service delivery, and discuss the vulnerable populations in the country. OVERVIEW OF THE COUNTRY History and Geographic According to Meditz and Hanratty (1987): the Spanish adventurer Juan de Esquivel settled the island in 1509, calling it Santiago, the name given itRead MoreHealth Determinants For Jamaica By Jamaica1404 Words  | 6 PagesHealth Determinants for Jamaica The island of Jamaica is located in the Caribbean Sea, south of Cuba and to the west of Haiti. Jamaica is the largest English-speaking country in the Caribbean with a total land area of 11,000 square kilometers (Kundell, 2009). The country is divided into 14 different districts, called Parishes, with a series of mountain ranges along the northwest and southeast axis of the country (Kundell, 2009). Jamaica inhabits approximately 2.76 million people, with 19.9 percentRead MoreJamaica And The United States1529 Words  | 7 Pages Jamaica and The United States Ever wondered why Jamaica is in debt and why the United states isn’t, all of this had to have happen by something. The English used the slaves to benefit themselves by growing cash crops to sell to England, over 300 years of England’s control Jamaica gained its independence on August 6, 1962. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Deep Azure Discussion free essay sample
Deep Azure Discussion BY MollYMcDonald75 Discussion Paper #4 What was the symbolism behind the characters names in Deep Azure? Deep Azure: The title of the play, as well as the names of its two most significant characters. Deep, who has been killed prior to the start of the play, was Azures love. The two remaining major characters are Tone, Deeps right-hand man, and Roshad, Deeps right rod. Each name is symbolic to the nature of his or her character. Deep not only describes the intensity of his character, but it also symbolizes the depth of the story behind his death. Azure, as an adjective meaning a shade of blue, describes her characters overall mental state. Tone is the character who set the occurrences of the play into motion, thus setting the tone of the play. Finally, Roshad is the only character whose name does not immediately stand out as symbolic; this in itself becomes symbolic as his character is found to be the only one naive to the truth. We will write a custom essay sample on Deep Azure Discussion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At the start of the play, the audience becomes aware that Deep has recently been killed by a police officer for no apparent reason. This mystery sets the stage for the remainder of the play. When the audience is first introduced to Deep, they find him to be someone whom everyone could call a friend, thus leaving no rhyme or reason for his murder. In a flashback, we see that Deep had become religious after having a vision in a dream that called him to have faith, supposedly leaving behind a life of girls and drugs. In every flashback that we see, Deep is being deep in his conversations with Tone, Roshad and Azure. He talks about life and God and love similar to how a pastor would. We get the feeling that Deep is very thoughtful and introspective, at least in his reborn life as a Christian. Prior to this found religion, things become more questionable to the audience. When reading back through the play, every part of Tones dialogue hinted that he was suffering from guilt, thus foreshadowing and setting the tone for the entire play. If an audience member paid close attention to Tones words, they mightVe guessed it was he from the beginning. Deep and Tone ran around together through college, so Tone knew the tendencies that Deep had with women prior to his religion. Deep and Azure had been dating for an extended amount of time, but Deep was unaware that Tone was actually in love with Azure too. Tone describes himself as the acute end of the love-triangle; the odd piece out. He fell in love with Azure prior to what we see in the play, most likely in college when the three of them attended Mecca University. It was mentioned that when Deep and Azure couldnt talk Tone was there for Azure. We get the impression rather early in the play that these two became closer during college than Deep and Roshad ever really knew, although these four were the core group of friends that always ran around together. Whatever relationship Azure and Tone had, it set the events of the play in motion when Tone decided to take action. He claimed that it wasnt to steal Azure; he Just couldnt stand to see her suffer. He didnt trust that Deep had truly changed overnight with religion. Whatever the truth, Tone led to his death. Tone also tries to direct Roshad and Azure to continue their lives peacefully, in some way as if hes trying to replace Deeps role as the deep and righteous thinker of the group. But his words lead both Roshad and Azure to think more deeply about the situation, finally leading to his own demise. Tone blamed Deep for Azures anorexia and bulimia, claiming that when she met Deep she was erfect; this was the reason Deep was killed. Azure has been gradually losing weight since she met Deep, and we see that an irrational voice in her head is the driving force to her madness. Although Deep is introduced almost as a saint, it becomes questionable later in the play whether Deep was truly to blame for some of Azures madness. There is no doubt that Azure is mentally ill by the end of the play; she is very depressed, or blue as her name represents. She repeats the line, what I want to do, I do not, but what I hate to do, I do, symbolizing her minds twistedness. When she began dating Deep, we find out that he was messing around on her. It seems that Azure is so self-conscious that she would hardly allow Deep to touch her, and she therefore blames herself for his cheating. She says that Deeps eyes became her mirror; that she could see the body he lusted for in his eyes. Her dialogue suggests that she let his cheating drive her sickness, but we do not know how severe this sickness was before she met Deep, or if he was the ultimate cause. In the end, Azures blue demeanor is behind Tones betrayal of his best friend. The depth of er sadness, or the deep azure of her emotions, changes the lives of she, Deep, Tone and Roshad forever. From the first act, Roshad appears to be the only one to be truly set on getting revenge for Deeps death. Azure wants indictment of Officer Smith, but that has more to do with relieving her of self-blame than it does with Officer Smith. Tone acts upset but interestingly doesnt push for an investigation or display a desire for vengeance on Officer Smith. Roshad mourns the death of his friend with liquor and raps, but genuinely speaks from his heart when he does speak o the other characters. By the end we find out that Roshad honestly had no idea of Tones love for Azure, or the depth of Azures sickness. He honestly didnt seem to think of Azure as more than Deeps girlfriend, while we saw that Tone felt a much deeper connection with her. But Roshad was blind to Tones hints about being in love with an unattainable woman. He trusted that he, Tone and Deep were truly on the same page, with no other agendas or secrets. Azure was off-limits to him because she was Deeps girlfriend, and its obvious that he never considered thinking of her in nother way. In the end, Roshad loved Deep and that was his driving force. With no obvious symbolism accompanying his characters name, Roshad represents the pure, true heart in this play. Although Roshad chooses to seek violence rather than follow what Deep would have him do, his intentions were pure. He felt that Deeps death was unjust, and he was the only character who displayed selflessness and sacrifice for his friends memory. In the end, it is finally revealed that Tone was behind Officer Smiths inquiry about Deep in the first place, and he was thus the reason for Deeps eath. Tone had requested this so that he could prove Deeps true character to Azure. Prior to the end of the play it seemed that this was a one-sided affair between Tone and Azure. However, Azures inability to do what she feels is right implies otherwise in the closing scene. This suggestion deepens the plot a little more, Roshad had nothing to do with anything leading up to the events that unfolded in Deep Azure. Deeps character made the plot deep because he was the character that bound Azure, Tone and Roshad together. That made Deep responsible for the complexity of the story. His character was a deep thinker as well, providing a philosophical side to every story. Tones guilt leaked through his dialogue and his actions (although unseen to the audience) made his character the catalyst for this play; he set the tone, as his name implies. Azure is often the color referenced as that of a clear, blue sky. Aside from her characters depression or blue essence, this also ties into the name of the play. Deep Azure, or deep blue both symbolizes the depth of Azures despair and describes the connection of this despair with Deeps character.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The major theme of Death of a Salesman Essay Example
The major theme of Death of a Salesman Paper The major theme of Death of a Salesman, above all else, is about Dreams and how they are the contributing factor of each characters perception of reality. The perception of reality that each character visualizes is of there own highest aspirations in life. The theme of dreams is the most important theme of Death of a Salesman, and I will be examining and comparing this particular theme with three other themes as well. These three themes are as follows: Honesty, Time and Performance. In completing my comparison of all four of these themes, I will weigh the importance of each one against the theme of Dreams, and as a result, come to a solid conclusion that indeed the theme of Dreams is the catalyst of the Lohman familys false perception of reality itself. In examining Death of a Salesman and a few of its most important themes, the theme of Dreams is certainly the most compelling and interesting of the four that I have selected. Each member of the Lohman family are all victims of their own false perception of reality. Their perception of reality is so out of focus that they are all blinded by their own aspirations of being something that they are not, as well as something that they cannot accomplish. This negativity towards the Lohman family is rightfully justified as a result of all three of the Lohman mens lack of ability to succeed and accomplish their very high aspirations. We will write a custom essay sample on The major theme of Death of a Salesman specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The major theme of Death of a Salesman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The major theme of Death of a Salesman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Death of a Salesman is dream-like, and as a result of this theme, it is evident that one of the main characters, Willy Lohman, is inside a dream that is made of life itself. Through Willy, the theme of dreams will be shown throughout the entire play more so then any other theme that I will be discussing. The hopes and dreams of all four members of the Lohman family rise out of reality. By this interpretation of their reality, it is easy to say that reality for the Lohman family is far from the truth. The one member of the Lohman family is far from the truth. The one member of the Lohman family that has any sense of reality is Willys wife, Linda Lohman. Linda tries to keep everything in perspective, and has a decent sense of reality even when her husband drills the idea and his false self confidence in regards to their financial situation into her head. Their financial situation is handled by Linda, yet Willy is the provider of the family and feels the need to always reassure Linda that he is making more then enough money to support the entire family. This is a false realization of the Lohman familys financial situation, and Willys ability to provide for his family the way he would like to will never be achieved. Death of a Salesman is not only about dreams, but about honesty, time and performance. These three themes will be discussed in comparison to the theme of dreams in the following two paragraphs. Willy Lohman had a dream, but this dream was based on Dishonesty. His dreams of being a well-known and prestigious salesman were only dreams, not reality, and should have been acknowledged as such. Unfortunately, Willys dreams of being a great man, as well as being a famous and popular salesman were foolish, yet not unattainable. At the same time, these self-images were very unrealistic and just not true. What Willy presents to his own family about his self-image is a false one, yet his oldest son Biff is infected by these false images of his father. In turn, he believes that he can accomplish and have anything he would like, even when he knows a particular thing is unattainable. Not only is Willy dishonest, but his two sons Biff and Happy are as well. Biff is dishonest several times during the play, and in one instance he stole, or as he claimed borrowed a football from his school claiming that he would return it the next day at school. Willy has two sides to himself most of the time when it comes to Biff. At times, Willy praises him saying how great he was and still is. Other times, he is complaining and venting off steam by talking down at Biff and speaking negatively of him. Because of Biffs false sense of security that his dreams have given him, the theme of dishonestly comes into play more so. This is the case due to the fact that this particular dishonestly would never have taken place if only Biff understood what it meant to be an honest guy. He never got a chance to due to his fathers perception of reality and his false dreams. Willy dreams that one day Biff will become something big, something that he could be proud of. Unfortunately, Biff is incapable of achieving his fathers high expectations for him, and gets very frustrated at times as a result. These dreams are the cause of this particular dishonesty-filled scenario, thus giving the theme of dreams the most importance and acknowledgement. Willy is the most dishonest of all characters in Death of a Salesman, and as such is prime subject of this theme. Willys aspirations and dreams slowly become smaller and as he has grown older, he begun to realize that he is living a lie, a dream. As a result of this realization, he tries to kill himself. Willy is also unsatisfied with his wife Linda at times, so he cheats on her with a woman from Boston. He tries to lie his way out of it, yet is unsuccessful. This is yet another example of his dishonestly. His dreams of wealth not only for his family, but for himself, are very far-fetched. These aspirations, false dreams, and dishonestly were ultimately the death of Willy Lohman.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How the French Describe Clothing Shape and Texture
How the French Describe Clothing Shape and Texture The French are specialists in great clothing and shoes. They differentiate them endlessly according to shape, texture and more. As a result, there are plenty of adjectives and expressions that are used every day to describe the attributes of clothing. Before using all these adjectives, it is an opportune moment to review the basic rules of adjectives, what an adjective is and its grammatical behavior in French. Basic Rules for French Adjectives These terms must follow the basic rules of agreement for French adjectives. For example, if an adjective ends in a consonant, add an e to make it feminine, a silent s to make it plural. Adjectives are usually placed after the noun in French. Plus, the final consonant of adjectives is silent. It is pronounced only in the feminine when followed by a silent e. To modify fashion adjectives, the French commonly use the adverbs trop (too), pas assez (not enough) and vraiment (truly). The adjectives and expressions here are worth knowing, chiefly because theyll be incredibly useful in everyday life. Ironically, fashion is the field where students lack vocabulary the most, even though it is a major theme in French conversations. To remedy this lack, here are French adjectives and expressions commonly used to describe clothes. In every case, the masculine form is listed; the feminine form follows in parentheses only if the adjective is irregular. La forme (the shape) Droit straightPlissà © pleatedFendu with a splitSerrà © tightMoulant clingyAmple largeÉvasà © flareDà ©colletà ©  low cutCache-coeur crossed/wrapped over the chest Laspect et la texture (the appearance and the texture) Doux (douce) softRugueux (rugueuse) roughÉpais (à ©paisse) thickFluide fluidFin thinChaud warmun pull qui gratte a sweater that itches (there is no French term for itchy)Confortable  comfortable (note the n in French)Transparent see-through Le look (the look) Chic (the same in feminine) stylishÉlà ©gant elegant la mode fashionable Dà ©modà ©Ã‚ old-fashionedBranchà ©Ã‚ trendyCool hip, coolSympa niceJoli prettyBeau (belle) beautifulMagnifique gorgeousPas mal not badLaid uglyMoche ugly (slang)Uni plainChargà ©Ã‚ busySobre understatedVoyant gaudyVulgaire vulgarSexy sexyUni  plain  ​Imprimà ©Ã‚  printed  Rayà ©Ã‚  striped La taille (the size) Grand  big Large  broad, wide, largeLong (longue)  longCourt  shortÉtroit  tight Le Prix (the price) Cher (chà ¨re)  expensiveHors de prix  super expensivePas cher  inexpensive, cheap (inexpensive is literally bon marchà ©, but thats never used)Soldà ©Ã‚  marked down Expressions Cette robe... this dress... ...tombe bien sur toi  falls nicely on you...te va bien  fits you nicely (we use an indirect object pronoun and the verb aller)...tamincit  makes you look thinner Ce pantalon... this pair of pants... te va pas du tout  doesnt fit you at all...te grossis  makes you look gratte  is itchy / itches Now that you know how to describe many kinds of clothing, you may want to know how to say their colors, too. Study how to say various colors in French and the very strict rules you must follow when using them.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Develop, Organize, and Plan Instruction
How to Develop, Organize, and Plan Instruction Good planning is the first step to an effective classroom, and one of the six main teacher tasks that excellent teachers must master. A well-planned class reduces stress on the teacher and helps minimize disruptions. When teachers know what they need to accomplish and how they are going to do it, they have a better opportunity to achieve success with the added benefit of less stress. Further, when students are engaged during the entire class period, they have less opportunity to cause disruptions. Obviously, the demeanor of the teacher, the quality of the lesson, and the method of delivery all play into an effective day in class. With that said, it all starts with a good plan. Steps for Planning Instruction Look over the state and national standards and your texts and supplemental materials to determine what concepts you must cover in the year. Make sure to include any required test preparation material. Use this to create a plan of study for your course.Create a personalized lesson plan calendar. This will help you visualize and organize your instruction.Plan your units using your overall plan of study and your calendar.Create detailed unit lesson plans. These should include the following items to be effective:ObjectivesActivitiesTime estimatesRequired materialsAlternatives- Make sure to plan for those students who might be absent during your activities.Assessment- This includes classwork, homework, and tests Transfer your broad unit plan to a planning book to keep yourself organized. This will help with implementation and focus. This is where all the unit plans come together to give you a broader picture of the year.Write a daily lesson outline and agenda. The details included will differ depending how detailed you wish to be. Some teachers create a simple outline with times attached to help keep them on track while others include detailed notes and written information. At a bare minimum, you should have an agenda prepared for yourself and your students so that you appear organized and you make smooth transitions. It is very easy to lose student attention as you search for the page that you want them to read or fumble through a stack of papers. Create and/or gather any required items. Make handouts, overheads, lectures notes, manipulatives, etc. If you are going to start each day with a warm-up, then have this created and ready to go. If your lesson requires a movie or item from the media center, make sure that you put in your request early so that you are not disappointed on the day of your lesson. Planning for the Unexpected As most teachers realize, interruptions and unexpected events often occur in class. This might range from pulled fire alarms and unexpected assemblies to your own illnesses and emergencies. Therefore, you should create plans that will help you deal with these unexpected events. Create mini-lessons to help fill up any time that might be left at the end of a class period. Even the best teachers are sometimes left with extra time. Instead of just letting students talk, use this time for extra instruction or possibly educational fun. Further, if an unexpected assembly is called leaving you with just 15 minutes of instruction, these lessons can be a godsend.Emergency lesson plans are a necessity for all teachers. If you cannot make it to school at the last minute or have to leave to deal with a personal emergency, you need to leave lesson plans to help your substitute. This combined with your substitute folder is important to help your classroom continue to function without you.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fly Fishing - Method, Materials and Equipment Research Paper
Fly Fishing - Method, Materials and Equipment - Research Paper Example Fly Fishing Method - In fly fishing the pole used for fishing is much longer (about one and a half to two times longer) than the traditional one, The bait is fixed at the end of the pole in a flying to give an impression of a flying insect, which is later submerged in water cautiously to least disturb the swimming fishes. It is more natural in comparison to other methods used for fishing because of the tactic used, which needs profound practice before achievement. (GFF) Spin Casting for fishing; Spin casting is the other popular method of fishing that utilizes a spin casting reel at the top of the rod that is essentially the same as that of the spin rod. The equipment is operated with a thumb device. (OCES) The basic of the two tactics of fishing are contrary to each other. Hitherto, fly fishing can be stated better than spin casting based on the grounds that one can catch more trout and steelhead fly fishing than any other way. The other feature of fly fishing that gives it an edge on the other tactic includes the following. Precisely, the natural aspect of the tactics is enhanced due to use of ’lure’ for fish that is weightless and look like natural habitat food of fish. In addition, the methods of fly casting are also based on the ground features of the actual behavior of these food organisms that attract the fishes without leaving a sign of suspicion. Hence, fishes catch the bait as a bug out of the hatch that fish are feeding on at that time. A brief illustration of fly fishing will further assist the reader to get a clear picture view of the method. Materials and equipment need to fly fishing; the efficacy of the use of this method of fishing relies on the accuracy and proficiency of the right material at the right time for the right purpose. The basic materials and equipment used in fly fishing are illustrated below; Fly rod – and reel; the â€Å"lure†for fish is cast on fly rod and reel. These are the two essential pieces of equipment necessary for fishing. The types, designs and functions vary as per the requirement of various fishing methods.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Investigate data representations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Investigate data representations - Essay Example The above scheme can work fine as long as there are â€Å"unsigned†numbers. A strategy had to be evolved to represent â€Å"signed†numbers with consistent representation of negative as well as positive numbers. Several representation systems exist to represent signed numbers like the sign-and-magnitude, one’s complement, two’s complement, etc. Sign-and-magnitude and one’s complement both use the most significant bit to represent the sign of the number with 0 for positive and 1 for negative sign. An anomaly arises in the representation of the number zero itself. Since the most significant bit denotes the sign, a zero can be both â€Å"negative†, as in 10000000, as well as â€Å"positive†, as in 00000000. This ambiguity has led modern computer systems design to adopt the two’s complement which does not have this ambiguity. Two’s complement represents positive numbers by converting simply from decimal to binary. So, a decimal 4 in 4-bit representation would become 0100. Zero is uniquely represented by 0000. Negative numbers are first complemented and then a 1 is added to the result. A generic formula would be 2N-A+1 where N is the number of bits used and A is the number to be converted. See example of converting decimal -3 to two’s complement below: Arithmetic functions can be purely addition based and no subtraction remains necessary. Subtraction can be performed by adding the two’s complement representations. The resulting number is the two’s representation of final result. The range of uniquely representable numbers in N-bit systems are -2N-1 to +-2N-1-1 (Dandamudi 886). Floating point numbers are represented differently. They are divided into three parts, the sign bits for exponent and mantissa, the exponent and the mantissa. For example, if 205.347 is to be represented, it is first brought to a â€Å"normal form†of 2.05347 x 102 where 205347 is the mantissa and the power of 2 is the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Personal statement for medical residency Essay Example for Free
Personal statement for medical residency Essay Family residency has been my passion for a long time. This is not farfetched. I have been nursing an ambition to be a family physician for a very long time, this is unconnected with a series of experiences that I have had in the past. A few days before commencing my medical training in Poland, my mother had a major heart attack and she had to be admitted for emergency surgery heart bypass surgery. The way she was attended to by the medical personnel, especially the resident physician endeared me to this particular specialty. Moreover, my experience in the medical school was a pleasant one as I learnt to deal with real life situations as they occur. i enjoyed rotating through all the units. However, the one rotation that i still cherished most was that on Family Medicine. Working with the consultants also had a lasting impression on me as I also learnt how to interact with diverse groups of individuals, from the infants to the aged. This experience was one that i would always remember because of the potential inner satisfaction that I could derive from being a Family Physician. I foresaw a future where I would be able to forge long term relationships with people with the aim of improving their health and contributing to their healthy lifestyle. This dream will be achieved if I am accepted for this residency program. I have been opportune to traverse many countries in Europe including Poland, where had my medical education. I have seen people suffer from lack of adequate medical attention. I had some clinical rotations in Chicago in a medically underserved area. This made me see people that would otherwise not have suffered had it been that they have adequate medical attention. My teachers have been my role model all the while, tutoring me for the challenges ahead. I want to be able to affect the lives of people positively in way of being their physician. I have a strong passion for this specialty. I strongly believe that this residency program will further improve my skills at becoming the physician I have always wanted to be. The total health of the patient is my concern – not only their medical health but also their emotional well being. I want to be an excellent family Physician.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Violence in America Essay -- Violent Crime Civil Disorder Society Essa
Violence in America Beginning with the urban drug wars and the Rodney King riot all the way up the spectacular lynchings in Texas and Wyoming, and now the mass murder/terrorist strike by teenagers in their own high school, the 90s is a decade made numb by civil disorder. In between came the incidents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas, involving dubious law enforcement assaults on separatists, which led to the terrorist bombing at Oklahoma City  the single worst terrorist act in American history. Since then, law enforcement agencies have thwarted twenty-four major domestic terrorist attacks. Shootings and bombings at abortion clinics, the slaying of abortion providers by right-wing fanatics and racial disturbances, some of which involved flagrant police brutality, added to the mix. Meanwhile, mass murders and serial killings grew to such a degree they became a part of popular culture, inspiring everything from an Oscar–winning motion picture to trading cards. Violence is our mother's milk. It has given us an incredible breadth of freedom and personal liberty. But it is also our demon rum that threatens the fabric of that freedom and liberty. The epidemic of teenage killings in our cities, black church burnings and abortion clininc violence, Neo-nazi skinheads and white Separatists, home-grown terrorism, and the rise of hate crimes have brought face-to-face with an aspect of our culture most generations have found too unpleasant to contemplate. Not until children began dying in the streets in unprecedented numbers and disgruntled white males begin forming paramilitary organizations did a general concern about violence begin to re-appear. When you consider our high crime rates in conjunction with events such as Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Idaho, the shoot-out in Waco, Texas, the Rodney King beating and riot, the Crown Heights, NY, riot and the lynchings in Bensonhurst and Howard Beach, NY, in 1986 and 89, it's difficult to disagree with the Indianapolis prosecutor who concluded, "Violence is becoming a way of life." Still, kids-as-shooters brings a re-newed strain of violence to the tumultuous American landscape. Prior to the three-year blood-spree of school shootings, enough corpses were already littering the inner city landscape to convince us that we had waded knee-deep into a crisis of violence. In spite of declining crime r... ...violent history of any western nation. We've always been that way, and we show no signs of changing. What has been changing is the nature of the violence, and who's doing it. The fact that young, alienated blacks and young to middle-aged white men commit a sizable chunk of it (and in doing so continue the historical thread of violent solutions) is an inevitable result of our history. Our tradition of rugged individualism, the cult of honor, especially but not exclusively in the South, the untamed frontier, and race and ethnicity are its central features. Violence has become part of our character, threatening at time to subvert it. The reasons for the militia movements, the vehement insistence upon the right to own guns  and those chalky outlines  lie squarely in a past that has turned violent self-assertion into a determinant of social status and aggression into a sign of character. Not all Americans are violent, of course. In fact, most aren't violent at all. And not all violent individuals or groups act that way all the time. But enough people have spilled other peoples' blood enough of the time and in enough regions to create a national heritage of continual bloodshed. Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Air India †the Virgin Airways Saga Essay
In December 1999, India’s national carrier, Air India (A-I) signed an agreement with Virgin Atlantic Airways1 (VA) by which VA would fly three flights on the Delhi-London route on a code-sharing2 basis with A-I. This was hailed as a significant development for the ailing A-I. The code sharing arrangement was expected to trigger off a price war in the Delhi-London route where British Airways (BA) was a dominant player. According to the agreement, VA would fly three more flights a week on this route by 2001. In July 2000, VA started off with two flights a week on Thursdays and Saturdays from Delhi. It planned to have a third flight by October 2000. However, till late 2001, VA was still flying two flights. A-I did not seem ready to allow VA fly the third flight because A-I too had a flight from Delhi on Monday, the day VA wanted to fly from Delhi. Meanwhile, the Government of India (GoI) granted rights to BA to fly three more flights per week from Kolkata to London. This was in violation of the bilateral pact signed between Britain and India according to which BA and A-I were allowed to fly 16 flights a week to each other’s country. BA was already flying 16 flights a week-seven from Delhi, seven from Mumbai and two from Chennai. In late 2001, VA was severely affected by the downturn in the global aviation industry. VA was finding it difficult to sustain its operations in India with only two flights a week. VA had made it clear that unless it was allowed to increase the frequency to three, its exit from India would be a distinct possibility. Background Note A-I was registered as Air India International in 1948. Later in 1962, the word ‘International’ was dropped and from March 1994, the airline began functioning as Air-India Limited. In 2000, A-I’s network covered 44 destinations (Refer Exhibit I). In addition, A-I had a code sharing arrangement with a number of foreign airlines. These included Air France, Swiss Air, Bellview Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Aeroflot, Air Mauritius, Kuwait Airways and Emirates. In the late 1990s, as part of its disinvestment rogramme, the GoI decided to divest 40% stake in A-I and began looking for a strategic partner. The strategic partner would take up 40% stake with only a 26% cap to foreign airlines. Ever since it began operations in 1984, VA focused on international routes. After the airlines maiden flight, from London’s Gatwick airport to Newark on the outskirts of New York, Richard Branson3 added several lucrative routes to his kitty. Till 1999, VA’s route network in the Asian region included Heathrow-Tokyo-Heathrow, Heathrow-Hong Kong-Heathrow and Heathrow-Shanghai-Heathrow. The airline had code-share agreements with Continental Airlines, Malaysian Airlines, and British Midland. In |the late 1990s, Branson was targeting the lucrative Delhi-London route. Every year an estimated 0. 3 million passengers traveled from Delhi to London, which was nearly 40 per cent of the total outbound traffic from India. The only available direct route codes were held by BA and A-I. As a result passengers were forced to take circuitous routes |offered by airlines like Emirates and Royal Jordanian which made them wait for hours at distant airports. Branson’s efforts to woo A-I started in 1997. He said, â€Å"Air-India was once famous for its service and I’d like to think that as well as competing with Air-India we can share with it our experience of making Virgin Atlantic the success it is today. †Analysts felt that A-I would learn from VA’s innovation in hospitality. VA was the first airline to offer a TV monitor with every seat (in every class). It offered in-flight beauty therapy including the services of masseurs, ice-cream cones during in-flight movies and a chauffeured motorcycle service to airports. Also in the offing were email and Internet services. Upper class passengers were provided laptop power leads with every seat, and headsets to reduce noise in the cabin. Besides commercial cooperation on cargo services, yield management, and product development, the arrangement with Branson would give AI’s staffers access to cabin crew training. However, analysts felt that once VA started its operations, it would be an all-out fight to lure passengers and AI would be the worst sufferer. As VA promised to offer tickets at 15 per cent less than BA, a Delhi-London VA ticket would be cheaper than A-I’s. The Deal In 1999, the ministry of civil aviation said that it was willing to consider an agreement between VA and A-I that would benefit both carriers. The agreement was to include a code-sharing arrangement or sharing of A-I flight quotas. The entry of VA on the London-India routes was likely to bring down the fares on the sector. In December 1999, VA signed an agreement with A-I to fly three services a week on a code share basis between Delhi and London from July 2000. The arrangement with A-I was for five years and apart from the initial three flights a week, frequencies, it had agreed to give away the remaining three to V-I by 2001. VA and A-I would share seats on each other’s routes and VA would operate flights to the UK on routes not covered by A-I. VA would also fly on days that were not flown by A-I. Under the terms of the agreement, flights would carry both VA and A-I flight numbers, and both airlines would sell seats on those services in competition with one another. Said Branson, â€Å"Launching flights between the UK and India has always been an ambition of mine. It is a very potent route and currently I see a lack of capacity on this route, which has decreased tourist flow between the two countries. I think between the two airlines – Air-India and Virgin – we will be able to improve the route. †According to some analysts, the GoI was interested in forging an alliance with VA because of the group’s interests in entertainment, music telecom, insurance and financial services. Branson had raised hopes of further investments in publishing, holiday homes and telecom. He said, â€Å"This is just the beginning. We will study the Indian market and see what business is best suited for the market and for us and proceed accordingly. We will see where we can make a difference. A-I had been in the red for a long time and was hoping that the VA venture would improve its bottomline. Said Branson, â€Å"We are paying a significant amount to A-I under the code-sharing agreement, though I would not like to reveal the amount. Let me assure you: Air-India can make a few millions. †However, Air India officials felt that more than the financial gains, it was the pa rtnership that mattered and the move would bring in fresh traffic to the country. Besides traffic, VA’s arrival could also mean reductio in airfares. Said Branson, â€Å"Our upper class and premium class as we call them are as competitively priced as the first class and business class fares of other airlines respectively. Except, of course, we give more services such as limousines, manicure, beauty treatment, etc, to every passenger on board. As for our economy class, our priority is to fly it houseful and hence the pricing is whatever it takes to get the customer. Hence, since we will be competing with Air-India too despite this agreement, the pricing and services will be competitive. †VA’s arrival was also expected to improve A-I’s services and even bring about a reduction in the fares depending on the market conditions. Said M. P. Mascarenhas, the then Managing Director of A-I, â€Å"We will have to compete and hence we will have to perform, even if it means fare reduction. †Analysts felt that a possible fare reduction would have an adverse effect on the bottomline of A-I. Responded Mascarenhas, â€Å"I don’t think it would because it would increase traffic and improve the overall situation. You see, now, between the two airlines, there will be services all days of the week. Analysts felt that with the AI-VA code sharing agreement, other carriers such as Thai Airways and Cathay-Pacific, which were asking for more flights, would pressurize the GoI for code-share arrangements with AI in lieu of more flights. Who will Rule the Delhi-London Skies? Analysts felt that with the entry of VA, the Indian skies would see some fierce price wars between VA and BA. Branson said that VA’s first class fares would be equivalent to the business class fares of BA and that the economy fare would be 30-50% cheaper than BA’s. If BA brought down ticket prices as it had done in May 2000, VA would fly for less, Branson said. Since BA had proposed a fare of about Rs 27,000 on the Delhi-London sector, Branson said VA would file an application with the GoI for a lower fare. At the same time, VA would respect the Government’s sentiments on fares, since it was a regulated market, Branson said. In June 2000, VA announced that it would start its operations in India in July with a bi-weekly service-Wednesdays and Fridays from London and Thursdays and Saturdays from Delhi. VA planned to launch a third weekly flight around October. The airline would offer low introductory fares. Mackenzie Grant, VA’s general manager for India said the initial fare was still being worked out and that it would be difficult to give a comparison with competing airlines. Analysts felt that VA would give BA some stiff competition, not only in terms of fares, but also with its array of services such as sleeper seats, massage services and lounge facilities. Said one, â€Å"Virgin’s entry will certainly be a boost to services between India and Europe. The airline has a high quality product. †Branson promised VA fare would be extremely competitive. Analysts felt that competitive pricing would mean that VA would price its Delhi-London flight for less than Rs 25,000, which was approximately the A-I fare. A-I feared there would be an exodus of its already dwindling passenger list. Meanwhile, BA was bracing itself to meet the VA challenge on the Delhi-London sector. The airline announced direct daily services between London and Delhi from October 30, thereby increasing capacity by 25 per cent on this sector. For this, the airline suspended its twice weekly service to Calcutta and terminated its five times-a- week service from Delhi to Dhaka from October 30. The changes were made as part of a renewed bilateral agreement between UK and India signed in February 2000. On July 5, 2000, VA dropped a bombshell. It slashed its introductory airfare from the normal Rs 42,598 to Rs 31,000 for a return ticket on the busy London-Delhi route. But just before VA’s entry into Indian airspace, BA also announced a special economy-class fare: a Rs 27,635 round trip ticket. According to analysts, consumers were at last getting the benefits of a liberalised competitive sector. In July 2000, BA won the right to three more flights per week between India and Britain, drawing an immediate protest from VA. According to BA’s South Asia manager Alan Briggs, under a special arrangement outside a bilateral aviation agreement, the GoI had given BA permission to fly three times a week to the eastern city of Calcutta. Under the bilateral pact, which was renewed in February 2000, BA and A-I were each allowed to fly 16 times a week to each other’s home country. A-I used 10 of its 16 weekly flight entitlements on the route. BA used all 16 of its flight entitlements, with seven flights a week to Delhi, seven to Mumbai and two to Madras. BA had been lobbying since 1993 to increase the number of its flights to India. The End of the Honeymoon? By October 2000, VA was to start its third code share flight as per the agreement with A-I. In addition to the Rs 100 million per flight per annum that A-I got from VA, the third flight would fetch A-I Rs 300 million per annum. However, till late 2001, VA was flying only two flights a week. Also, there was no progress on the remaining three flights that VA was entitled to fly from 2001. This seemed to the bone of contention between VA and A-I. VA officials were particularly unhappy that BA was granted rights to fly three additional flights per week from Kolkata to London against the prevailing norms. What seemed particularly strange was that there was no commercial agreement or code share for any of these additional frequencies. Commenting on the GoI’s interest in BA, a leading business magazine in India wrote, â€Å"The needle of suspicion automatically points to vested interests in the ministry and their sudden penchant for BA. â€Å"5 By December 2000, it became clear that VA would have to wait a bit longer for final clearance from A-I to commence the third code-share |flight on the India-London sector. While VA officials claimed that they would start the third code-share flight within a reasonable period of time following clearances from Indian authorities, A-I officials said that nothing was in the offing as yet. Said a VA official, â€Å"The ball is in the court of A-I and the Indian Government. The day we get the permission, we will start the service in a reasonable time period, which will allow us to relocate aircraft and crew to commence the third flight. Further, the airline will be only too happy to serve other destinations in India. †Some analysts said that while VA was keen to operate the third flight on Sundays from London with a Monday departure from Delhi, A-I was opposed to as the Indian carrier also had a Delhi to London flight on Monday morning. VA was willing to schedule its flight at 2 p. m. in the afternoon, ensuring a gap of more than 6 hours between its flight and A-I’s London flight. But this was not acceptable to A-I, which pointed out that according to the agreement signed between VA, and A-I, VA was to operate flights only on those days when A-I did not operate services to London. A VA official said that the delay in granting permission to VA to operate the third flight on the sector was proving to be financially disastrous for A-I. However, despite these problems, VA said it was interested in code sharing with A-I to other cities such as Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. In late 2001, VA was in some trouble because of the downturn in the transatlantic aviation business and shrinking revenues. VA announced 20 per cent reduction in operations, grounded five of its aircraft and pruned the workforce by 1200 to tide over one of the worst crises for the international aviation business in the aftermath of the US attacks6. Having already announced 20 per cent reduction of activities, the airline seemed unable to sustain its operations in India with just two |flights a week. Said Paul Smitton, general manager-India, VA, â€Å"Two flights each from Delhi is not a viable proposition in the long run. At least three or more flights makes the business viable as it would enable us to get more traffic and meet economies of scale from our operations here. †He added, â€Å"No airline can sustain loss making regions for long. And this time round, we will wait for just months and not |years before taking a decision. †Analysts felt that VA was likely to review its strategy for its fledgling unprofitable Indian operations. |During its short stay in India, VA had already notched up losses on the Delhi-London sector and industry sources ruled out the chances of VA breaking even unless the frequency increased from the current level. VA officials have indicated to the GoI that VA may have to pull out of India if the frequency of operations was not increased. VA informed the GoI that it had agreed to provide A-I with income worth Rs 100 million per annum for each flight on the basis of the understanding that a third frequency would be allowed on schedule. VA also said that it had hired Indian crew for three flights and spent on publicity, as it was confident its frequency would be increased. It informed the GoI that it would have to pull out of India if the third flight was not cleared. In October 2001, the GoI ordered a full review of the code-sharing pact. What remained to be seen was whether the much-hyped I-A-VA alliance would be sustainable in the long run
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Jane Loevinger and Her Theory of Ego Development Essay
Human development is a fascinating subject. Psychologists have long studied the recurrent patterns of how humans develop physically, emotionally, and psychologically. If psychologists can find patters, then they can begin to predict behavior and understand how and why people behave the way they do. Many theories have been put forth to try to explain some of the consistencies people go through as they develop. Jane Loevinger is one of those developmental theorists. Her theory of ego development has been a significant contribution to the psychological world. Loevinger was born in 1918. She grew up in Minnesota as the daughter of a lawyer and homemaker. Her home was comfortable, but not full of a lot of love. After finishing her undergraduate and master’s degree at the University of Minnesota, she ended up at the University of California. There she was a research assistant for Erik Erikson. She learned a great deal during this time about her own thoughts and beliefs about psychology (www. webster. edu). In 1943 she finished her PhD dissertation on the construction and evaluation of tests of ability. Her critique of test reliability made her no friends in the psychometric world, and publications refused to publish her work. She ended up paying for the publication herself. After finishing her dissertation, Loevinger quit working full time to have her two children. During this time she felt the guilt and pressure all moms feel. Working moms feel guilty for all the time they spend away from their children, and stay-at-home moms feel guilty for not doing anything professionally. She also felt discriminated against because of her gender. After working in unfulfilling part-time jobs, Loevinger finally decided to get back to research. She was one of the first psychologists to focus her testing on the demographic of women. She began working with a small group of women, and eventually designed the Sentence Completion Test (SCT) which consists of thirty-four open-ended questions that measures ego development. This test led her to develop her theory of ego development, which states that a person’s ego development follows nine typical phases (psychology-health. today. com). Loevinger’s theory of personality asserts that as people grow, they begin to internalize social rules, become less impulsive, and mature in their decision-making processes. The first stage of development is the infancy stage. This is the very beginning of development and ego. The infant does not know how to do anything but cry when it needs something. No thoughts are about anything other than the self. The impulsive stage is similar; when a young child wants something, they want it now. They are starting to understand consequences at this stage, so there is some awareness of others. The self-protected stage is when children first exhibits self control. They understand rewards and consequences, and are very motivated by them. The next stage, the conformist stage, is when conforming to the group of peers in paramount. There is no identity outside the group, and the disapproval of others is a major problem. Behaviors are judged by what happened, not by the intentions behind them. Finally, in the self-aware stage, there begins to be a bit of maturity. This is when people begin to become individuals. There is more to life than the group, and an inner sense of self is emerging. The conscientious stage takes those ideas even further. Here the person has goals and ideals, a sense of responsibility, and feels guilt not only about breaking a rule, but because of the thought of hurting others. Motives are taken into account as well as actions. During the individualistic stage, there develops a greater tolerance of other people, as well as an awareness of inner conflict. During this stage, the person will pull away from the group toward a more individual identity. People in the autonomous stage show a great deal of maturity. They worry about their needs verses the duties of their lives, they want self-fulfillment, and they can understand more than one point of view. Finally, the integrated stage is reached when a person fully understands their own identity. She is self-actualizing, and can understand behavior motives and intentions of others as well as herself. While not all people will be able to reach this last stage of integration, Loevinger shows a road map of how to get there. I feel her developmental theory is meaningful today, because people still have inner struggles throughout the course of their lives. When I think about all of my friends and family, I can see which stage they are each in. Loevinger contributed a theory that definitely stands the test of time and is relevant to people today. I can also look back over my life and see that some decisions I made were direct results of the stage I was in at the time. I feel like I am always trying to improve myself on the inside, and be a good person on the outside, so I feel I am in the conscientious stage. I know some of my friends who are still in the conformist stage, and this is probably a source for much of our conflict. I cannot understand why they are so concerned with what others think about them, but it might be simply because they have no matured past that stage yet. I think most young adults fall somewhere between the conformist and self-aware stages. That is why so many young adults get into trouble; they follow the group and try drugs or things they would not ordinarily try on their own. The group mentality can be very problematic, and the power it has over young adults is scary. Loevinger contributed a theory of ego development that has made a significant impact on how we understand why we act the way we do. Her stages of development represent specific time frames of life and the decisions that many people make during those times. Her theory is relevant today and still has valid implications for anyone studying human development. References Women’s intellectual contributions to the study of mind and society. Retrieved May 17, 2009, from http://www. webster. edu/~woolflm/loevinger. html Writer 44. Jane Loevinger’s theory of ego development. Retrieved May 17, 2009 from http://psychology-health. today. com/2009/03/01/jane-loevingers-theory-of-ego-development/
Friday, November 8, 2019
Learn 10 Geographic Facts About Cape Town
Learn 10 Geographic Facts About Cape Town Cape Town is a large city located in South Africa. It is the second largest city in that country based on population and is the largest in land area (at 948 square miles or 2,455 square kilometers). As of 2007, the Cape Towns population was 3,497,097. It is also the legislative capital of South Africa and is the provincial capital for its region. As the legislative capital of South Africa, many of the citys functions are related to government operations.Cape Town is well known as one of Africas most popular tourist destinations and it is famous for its harbor, biodiversity and various landmarks. The city is located within the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa and as a result, ecotourism is popular in the city as well. In June 2010, Cape Town was also one of several South African cities to host World Cup games.The following is a list of ten geographic facts to know about Cape Town:1) Cape Town was originally developed by the Dutch East India Company as a supply station for its shi ps. The first permanent settlement at Cape Town was established by 1652 by Jan van Riebeeck and the Dutch controlled the area until 1795 when the English took control of the area. In 1803, the Dutch regained control of Cape Town via treaty.2) In 1867, diamonds were discovered and immigration to South Africa greatly increased. This caused the Second Boer War of 1889-1902 when conflicts between the Dutch Boer republics and the British arose. Britain won the war and in 1910 it established the Union of South Africa. Cape Town then became the legislative capital of the union and later of the country of South Africa.3) During the anti-apartheid movement, Cape Town was home to many of its leaders. Robben Island, located 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) from the city, was where many of these leaders were imprisoned. Following his release from prison, Nelson Mandela gave a speech at the Cape Town City Hall on February 11, 1990.4) Today, Cape Town is divided into its main City Bowl- an area surrounded b y Signal Hill, Lions Head, Table Mountain and Devils Peak- as well as its northern and southern suburbs and the Atlantic Seaboard and the South Peninsula. The City Bowl includes Cape Towns main business district and its world famous harbor. In addition, Cape Town has a region called Cape Flats. This area is a flat, low-lying area to the southeast of the city center.5) As of 2007, Cape Town had population of 3,497,097 and a population density of 3,689.9 persons per square mile (1,424.6 persons per square kilometer). The ethnic breakdown of the citys population is 48% Colored (the South African term for ethnically mixed race peoples with ancestry in Sub-Saharan Africa), 31% Black African, 19% white and 1.43% Asian.6) Cape Town is considered the main economic center of the Western Cape Province. As such, it is the regional manufacturing center for the Western Cape and it is the main harbor and airport in the area. The city also recently experienced growth due to the 2010 World Cup. Cape Town hosted nine of the games which spurred construction, rehabilitation of run-down parts of the city and a population boom.7) The city center of Cape T own is located on the Cape Peninsula. The famous Table Mountain forms the backdrop of the city and rises to an elevation of 3,300 feet (1,000 meters). The rest of the city is situated on the Cape Peninsula between the various peaks jutting into the Atlantic Ocean.8) Most of Cape Towns suburbs are within the Cape Flats neighborhood- a large flat plain that joins the Cape Peninsula with the main land. The geology of the region consists of a rising marine plain.9) The climate of Cape Town is considered Mediterranean with mild, wet winters and dry, hot summers. The average July low temperature is 45Â °F (7Â °C) while the average January high is 79Â °F (26Â °C).10) Cape Town is one of Africas most popular international tourist destinations. This is because it has a favorable climate, beaches, a well developed infrastructure and a beautiful natural setting. Cape Town is also located within the Cape Floristic Region which means it has high plant biodiversity and animals such as humpback whales, Orca whales and African peng uins live in the area. ReferencesWikipedia. (20 June, 2010). Cape Town - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Timeline of 15th Century Inventions
Timeline of 15th Century Inventions Most people know that Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type presses during the 15th century- in 1440 to be exact. That invention, which was possibly historys greatest, made the inexpensive printing of books possible. But, many other important inventions were introduced during this century. Below are those that top the list. Early 1400s: Golf, Music, and Painting Tiger Woods, Arnold Palmer, and Jack Nicklaus would never have walked the links without the invention of the little white ball that they smacked incredible distances. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart could never have composed his classic concertos without a piano. And, imagine the Renaissance without oil painting. Yet, these world changing inventions were created in the early 1400s. 1400: Golf is thought to have originated in a game played in Scotland as early as 1400. The balls were made of wood and didnt travel very far, but at least they represented a start. Indeed, golf was so entrenched in Scotland by midcentury that in 1457, King James II of Scotland issued a ban against playing the game.The earliest version of the piano, called a clavichord, came into existence this year, according to the website, Piano Play It. In 1420, the clavichord gave way to the harpsichord and leter the spinet, which looks more like the pianos used today.1411: Technically called the matchlock, the trigger- the basic firing mechanism for a rifle or gun- first appeared this year.1410: Oil paint, itself, was actually invented in Asia sometime before the fifth century, but oil painting techniques- like those used by such great artists as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo- were introduced this year by Jan van Eyck.1421: In Florence, Italy, hoisting gear was inve nted.1439/1440: Gutenberg invents the printing press. Midcentury: Printing Press, and Glasses You would not be reading this website if it were not for Gutenbergs invention of the printing press, upon which all modern typed material is based- including printed material on the web. And, many of you would not be able to read this page without glasses. The rifle also- sadly- advanced during this period. 1450: Nicholas of Cusa created spectacles of polished lenses for nearsighted people.1455: Gutenberg introduced the printing press with metal movable type, marking a turning point in world history.1465: In Germany, drypoint engravings came into existence.1475: Muzzle-loaded rifles were invented in Italy and Germany. Late 1400s: The Parachute, Flying Machines, and Whiskey Many of the ideas and devices common in modern times came into existence in this time period. Some, like the parachute or flying machines, were merely drawings inked on a page by Da Vinci. Others, such as the globe, helped humans navigate the world, and whiskey became a popular drink in the U.S. and worldwide. 1486: In Venice, the first known copyright was granted.1485: Da Vinci designed the first parachute.1487: Bell chimes were invented.1492: Da Vinci was the first to seriously theorize about flying machines.Martin Behaim invented the first map globe.1494: Whiskey was invented in Scotland. Resources and Further Reading â€Å"Early Piano History.†Edited by Ashwati Franklin, Piano Play It, 2017. Highfield, Roger. â€Å"Oil Painting Invented in Asia, Not Europe.†The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 22 Apr. 2008. â€Å"The Matchlock.†The Encyclopedia of Weapons, 22 June 2011. â€Å"Oil Paint History.†Cyberlipid, Les Sites De GERLI.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic Management project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Strategic Management project - Essay Example Fahad Al-kaabi, has various objectivities that he is seeking to achieve from the business. The group decided to do an interview with the owner to identify the various objectives he has for the business. The interview was useful in the analysis of the business’s strategic plan and in acquiring the data needed for completion of project. The Maganees cafeteria lacks some official statements such as mission, vision, values, and objectives because it is a new entity in the market. Subsequently, the group developed appropriate statements by matching what the owners said about the business, which guided the project team in building the statements. In addition, food industry in Qatar is characterized by high levels of competition whereby each competitor want to get the largest proportion of the market share; hence, significant for an entity to study the industry by evaluating each competitor in the market. Competitors in the industry include Tea Time cafeteria, Chapati, and Karak, which were selected and compared with Maganees cafeteria in in reference to various business aspects. Maganees cafeteria has strengths such as the innovation of products, providing high salaries for the employees and financial aids to motivate its workers leading to competency within the business. However, the firm is facing a number of challenges including the lack of advertisement, promotional campaign, inexistence of official website, and unable to deliver the products to the customers house. Based on the external environment, the cafeteria has opportunities like the low rent of outside areas and the preferences of customers for the traditional foods. In the other hand, it faces some threats such as the high level of competition in the market. In reference to market competitiveness and market position, Maganees cafeteria adopted focused differentiation method because it offers unique products, which are the traditional foods of Qatar for specific customers living in the northern
Friday, November 1, 2019
Corporate startegy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Corporate startegy - Essay Example Cookson group plc notable has enhanced its strategic position which put the company forward as a competitive in the industry. The company business model and strategies takes into account the changing corporate environment and the systematic realization of the underlying positioning. The company has achieved this through devise of a desired position in the future based on the foreseeable and present developments as well as strategizing to realize this positioning. Focus and emphasis is laid on the company continuity and the determination of character and contents of the organization activities. The company strategic position is underpinned on several aspects including leading global markets positions in its industry and development of market exposure to increase revenue and profits. Others include enhanced technology, increased R&D capability, acquisitions, strong cash flow momentum and expansion into international markets. Cookson group plc has two main divisions in its business model which are Performance material section and Engineering Ceramics where it operates under Alent PLC and Vesuvious PLC respectively. These divisions facilitate in supplying specialist consumable materials and chemicals in industrial production processes. It is notable that both divisions have adopted the same business model and the way operations are carried out. The company notably sells its products based on added value as opposed to just price (Cookson Group Plc 2006). Cookson group plc also focuses on sustaining and maintaining strong financial position enhancing support on its businesses in the divisions. This business model strives to achieve this through enhanced long-term financing arrangements with ample liquidity and low leverage headroom. Cookson business model and strategy can be summarized as follows:- This analysis involves study on the corporate environment that the company operates so as to
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A comparative analysis of three leading english grammars Essay
A comparative analysis of three leading english grammars - Essay Example Most languages in Europe have some form of codification to the extent that such a record carries authority among native users on its conventions. The study of the rules governing the usage of the English language is called English grammar.Gowers' Modern English Usage was once popularly ascribed to but not many, even leading linguists, have a copy of this text. It can be considered that English is not typical as far as European languages go. It is the world's language, used by around 300 million second language speakers. It dominates the world's communications and is taught in almost every school worldwide. It is also the only language whose second-language speakers or non-native users far outnumber the native speakers. It is also the only language which can make millionaires out of its experts by writing books. The study of these rules may either be prescriptive or descriptive. Prescriptive grammars set rules for language. In descriptive grammar, the manner by which the language is w ritten or spoken is described.The English language is in some aspects quite simple. However, it can also be complex if not exasperating in its other characteristics. For example, English does not make use of grammatical gender. Its plurals and tenses are mostly regular. However, a unique feature of the language is that it employs the use of progressive tense (using -ing). This use of the progressive tense is unique although it is muted in its everyday use. This feature is a source of difficulty to some second-language speakers ... The differences among the various grammars of English is somewhat well-defined. The characteristics of Standard English are relatively clear. Standard English is spoken by around 10% of the population in the United Kingdom (Trudgill ). It is usually derived through formal school contexts. Standard English can also be combined with various accents including regional ones. The differences between Standard and Non-standard are minimal. These differences often involve a small proportion of the words in a passage, affecting only around twenty percent of specific areas of grammar. Non-standard English has many regional variations. An example is the difference between dialects which suppress subject-verb agreement favoring the -s form. An example of this is He like it in Wales in contrast to He likes it in Wales. There are also few gray areas in the definition of Standard, and the uncertainties that arise are specific and often affect the spoken form. Differentiating Descriptive and Prescriptive English There are now several English grammars and they are often classified as either descriptive or prescriptive, although others may have elements of both. The two types of grammars vary in the principles of how they are written. The descriptive and prescriptive approaches to Standard English grammar is the subject of much debate. New trends are also arising which has affected the way English is taught and used. Among these trends is the increasing codification of Standard English among non-native speakers. Ironically, the language is not codified for native speakers. However, this codification of English among native speakers may in the future become part of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Getting into Shape Essay Example for Free
Getting into Shape Essay Fitness is the quality or state of being fit. (Merriam-Webster, 2011) On September 26th, 2011 I took a physical fitness test. The fitness test measured four areas of my wellbeing, cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and body composition. After taking the test I was really interested in how I scored related to the standard set by other Men of my age. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to working muscles efficiently. Having good cardio fitness allows you to enjoy life to the fullest. Cardio fitness reduces your risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and helps you look and feel better. On the fitness test I scored a Maximum oxygen consumption of 58. This score placed me in the 95th percentile of males between the ages of 14-19 and at the low end of the very good category. Scoring high in this area did not surprise me since I do cardio for 3 hours a week. Yet, to improve my fitness and get in to the elite category I am going to incorporate more interval training in my cardio workouts. Strength is the second area that was tested during my fitness test. Muscular strength is the amount of force that your muscles can exert against resistance. (Healthy Flesh, 2011) To measure strength I was asked to bicep curl a bar for twenty seconds. At the end of the twenty seconds I scored 99 pounds and was in the upper end of the good category. If I would have curled 1 more pound I would have been in the excellent category. To get into that excellent category I am going to incorporate a new bicep regimen. The third test was the flexibility test. I knew going into the test that I wouldn’t do well since I do not stretch often. On the test I score 12. 4 inches. Compared with other males aged 14-19 I scored fair. To increase my flexibility I plan on stretching, by stretching after my warm-up, holding each stretch for 10-60 seconds and doing 2-6 repetitions per muscle group. (Liguori Carroll-Cobb, 2012) If I incorporate this stretching plan into my workout routine I should be able to get my flexibility level up to average for my age. The fourth and final test of my fitness was a body composition test. A three site skin fold test was used to determine my body composition for the test. The measurements were chest 3. 5mm, abdomen 12mm, and thigh 11mm. My body weight at the time of the test was 189 pounds. This combined with the skin fold measurements resulted in giving me a body fat percentage of 6. 5. The level of body fat I am at is low for men ages 14-19; it is also the optimal body weight for athletes. I plan on keeping my body fat percentage low by keeping up with my exercise routine and incorporating more cardio. The fitness test measured four areas of my wellbeing, cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and body composition. In the cardiovascular portion I scored very well. For strength I scored well, while in flexibility I scored fair. My body composition was 6. 5%. Overall, according to the fitness test, I am in excellent physical condition. I plan on continuing to work out, while improving on areas of flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. If I improve on those two areas while maintaining my strength and body composition, I shall live a long healthy life.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Irony in Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers
The Lord of the Flies initiates an ironic structure from its first chapters that becomes evident by the end of the book. Both Ralph and Jack’s attitude are different in the beginning of the novel to the way they turned out in the end. It is ironic how the most optimistic or hopeful situations in the book turn out catastrophic and society only falls apart more. On the surface the story implies that it is the boys’ age and inexperience that causes them to create such a corrupt society, however, on the contrary, there is an exaggerated respect for the ‘adult world’ as you consider the reason why the boys are on the island in the first place. Sardonic events lead to an even more ironic ending where their ultimate rescue is a result of two ironic incidences, the fire and the acceptance of the boys onto the ship by the naval officer. The author uses irony throughout to show how such innocent boys despite their best efforts can turn savage, through the events that unfold that lead them into anarchy. Ralph and Jack’s image of what life on the island would be like and how they would go about it was very different in the beginning of the story to the end. Ralph begins saying ‘This is our island. It’s a good island. Until the grown ups come to fetch us we’ll have fun.’(p:45). It is ironic how this optimism is shattered by the end of the novel and events turned out so badly as though it were almost foolish to think they’d have fun from the start. Jack also makes a surprisingly ironic turn in the novel where his ideas appear civilized and orderly in the beginning, ‘We’ll have rules! Lots of rules!’(p:44) however he is the one who becomes the leader of the savages and provokes fear of the beast. It is ironic how the most optimistic situations turn out terribly, in an almost mocking way. Piggy is doomed from the start, they savagely hunt and kill pigs, torturing them and enjoying it. It is the beast within each boy that kills Piggy, as it is the beast within that eats away at any civilized instincts. Ralph wishes, ‘If only they could send a message to us. If only they could send us something grown-up †¦ a sign or something’(p:117).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mountain Men and The Path to the Pacific
Reading this book was like listening to tall tales told around the dancing flames of a faraway campfire. One can almost hear the Grizzly’s roar, the rushing river, the war cries of long forgotten warriors, and almost smell the mountain forests. Therein lies the key to the author’s approach to historical storytelling: in this book, as in his many other histories written for popular consumption on American western subjects, he vividly and impeccably writes gripping and detailed narratives about well researched colorful individuals on the frontiers of the nineteenth century. He successfully provides the context for these narratives with an easy to understand explanation of America’s western expansion, and seamlessly bundles the entirety into a stylishly written story. Utley focuses on the period between the Lewis and Clark Expedition in1804 and the end of the western expansion era in the 1850s. He chooses his subjects not only because they provided the critical first movement of America into it’s Far West, but because, he argues, their memoirs, maps, and knowledge of geography and the local Native Americans made future settlement possible. I found his thesis well proven. The author provides a brief historical context in each chapter and relates his subject’s adventures from the bottom up – often quoting vivid primary sources that exposes their contradictions  their courage and illiteracy, ambition and uncouthness, their hunger for adventure and appetite for violence, and their often inevitable tragic endings. Each chapter focuses on one or two colorful personalities, men with names like Crazy Bill Williams and Jeremiah Liver-Eating Johnson. The compelling personalities may not contribute to proving the author’s thesis, but they do make the book an enjoyable read. The author devotes more than just one chapter to his favorite, Jedediah Smith, a man as austere as his colleagues were abrasive, who carefully mapped and detailed his travels. Smith perfectly embodies the author’s thesis, that the mountain men’s maps and journals were essential to the opening of the Far West. Utley believes that Smith was â€Å"point man in the contest for Oregon†[1], and did more to open the Far Western frontier than any other early pioneer did. Utley notes that Smith was a man in sharp contrast to most other mountaineers, such as Jim Bridger, who were stereotypical mountain men, full of whiskey and gall and telling tall tales, as did Bridger, about petrified forests with â€Å"peetrified birds singing peetrified songs†.[2] Utley writes a revealing key passage about President Jefferson that delineates the book’s central approach to the subject of the Mountain Men. In 1802, Jefferson read a British trapper’s memoir about his travels in the NorthWest. Alexander Mackenzie's book inspired Jefferson to send a band of hearty men on a reconnaissance to scout the unknown Far West, â€Å"†¦to discover the continental passage, colonize the Pacific Coast and tap it’s fur resources, and establish commerce with the Orient.[3] In Utley’s view, this was no mere reconnaissance, it was the first step in what was to be a century of nation building. Utley expands the scope of his book by elevating Lewis and Clark, who Jefferson delegated to lead this expedition into the new territories of the Louisiana Purchase, and those who later continued the Western exploration, as being more than explorers and trappers, they were expansionists who guided America to its westward boundary on the Pacific. By elevating the significance of his subjects, Utley elevates the overall importance of his book. Utley begins in 1804, with the Corps of Discovery’s expedition to survey the new lands. Frontiersmen and others familiar with the ways of the Native Americans joined Lewis and Clark’s expedition, such as John Colter, a riverboat pioneer, and George Drouillard, a hunter who was half Shawnee and fluent in Indian sign language. The Corps of Discovery mapped the new land, but they also reported a wilderness ripe for trapping and settlement. What the Lewis and Clark Expedition reported on their return enthralled the nation and fired the imaginations of Americans hungry for opportunity. The first to start the movement west were independent entrepreneurs hoping to enrich themselves by harvesting the abundant wildlife – the hunter-trappers. The book chronologically and geographically charts the progress of the mountaineers, always using the mountain men’s history of discovery, exploitation of resources, and mutual cooperation. Utley uses copious primary sources, including the detailed day-to-day diary of Jedediah Smith, who catalogued minutia, such as the changing beaver population, and high drama, such as having his scalp sewn back on to his head after a Grizzly clawed him. â€Å"If you have a needle and thread, git it out and sew up my wounds around my head,†he asked of a fellow trapper [4]. Utley quotes other primary sources, such as John Bradley, a naturalist who kept a detailed journal traveling with a trapping expedition to the Pacific led by John Jacob Astor. [5] Utley addresses what motivated these early pioneers of the Far West, quoting Warren Angus Ferris, â€Å"Westward Ho! It is the sixteenth of the second month, A.D. 1830 and I have joined a trapping, trading, hunting expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Why, I scarcely know for the motives that induced me to this step were of a mixed complexion†¦Curiosity, a love of wild adventure, and perhaps also a hope of profit.†[6] Utley draws on primary sources to describe a run-in between Hugh Glass and a Grizzly with cubs: â€Å"He lay on his back, bleeding from gashes in his scalp, face, chest, back, shoulder, arm, hand, and thigh. With each gasp, blood bubbled from a puncture in his throat.†Glass’ companions, thinking him near death, left him and went ahead. But Glass was made of true mountain man grit. He rallied, and crawled back to civilization. Utley writes, â€Å"Berries and a torpid rattlesnake smashed with a stone provided his first nourishment. The Grand River supplied water. He dug edible roots with a sharp rock. Chance turned up a dead buffalo with marrow still rich in the bones. Later wolves brought down a buffalo calf that he succeeded in seizing. In a six-week demonstration of incredible strength, fortitude, luck, and determination, Glass crawled back to Fort Kiowa, nearly two hundred miles.†This story exemplifies Utley’s dramatic flair by using colorful characters and events in writing history designed to appeal to the mass audience. Utley addresses the social identity of the mountain men, profiling the diverse sampling of immigrants and culturally dysfunctional individuals willing to live a solitary existence, disconnected from family and community. He examines their alliances with Native tribes, occasionally even marrying into the tribe, and develops a theme that these alliances produced a significant contribution in maintaining peaceful relations, and obtaining future tribal cooperation in exploration and provisioning. Utley also recounts the annual trapper Frolics, when mountaineers gathered to sell their furs and skins to retail traders, replenish their weapons and supplies, swapped tall tales, and threw the frontier equivalent of a modern fraternity toga party. While Utley always presents colorful events and personalities, he always returns to his primary theme – that the detailed maps and knowledge that the mountain men recorded and shared with each other made it possible for others to later navigate the unknown and difficult mountain regions. That their information filled the vacuum of understanding about the new territories and directly prompted the great western expansion, revealing the best routes to cross rivers and mountain passes in summer and winter, as well as where there was relative safety and where danger was to found. In a later, secondary wave of exploration, Utley relates how one veteran mountain man, Kit Carson, led several military expeditions in the early and mid-1840s to the Far West to consolidate the government’s domain and control of the new territories. Commanded by John C. Fremont, who would become known thereafter as â€Å"The Pathfinder,†the expeditions continued and completed the Western exploration started by Lewis and Clark. Utley argues that these military expeditions promoted the great waves of emigration by wagon trains across the Sierra Nevada Mountains to Oregon and California. A note about Utley’s illustrations, mostly period artwork and primary source period maps. At first glance they seemed lifeless, but they ultimately provided something akin to a Rosetta Stone that helped this reader to comprehend the enormity what the mountain men faced and endured. The joy the author demonstrates through-out the book reveals his almost spiritual identification with his subjects and the terrain they pioneered. His enthusiasm and command of detail serves to fully engage the reader, which to me is the gift of a great history book. But as much as the book succeeds, its methodology raises questions about it’s limitations: the author is invested in his own formulaic pattern of popular storytelling, one wonders whether he is choosing his subjects for marketability over significance. The book is informative, engaging, and enjoyable, even inspiring, but its formulaic approach may remove the potential for revolutionary perspective or revealing interpretation. This may be an inevitable consequence of success for any historian, and I suppose one most historians would welcome, but it may limit the book’s scholarly potential. One additional criticism: in Utley’s view, the Mountain Men pursued commerce and produced national growth, but the narrative accepts their chauvinist behavior without judgment and accepts their cruelty virtually without comment, which many could interpret as a lack of balance. The ideal popular demographic target for this book are those who love American historical adventure: those who love John Ford’s films, or Ken Burn’s Civil War documentary, or books about Mountain Men. If one enjoyed the film about Jeremiah Johnson starring Robert Redford, this is a history book made for you. For scholars, it provides an engrossing and interesting read that doesn’t sacrifice its historical themes. For young students, it successfully presents those details that fire the imagination. In other words, its sweeping panorama deserves its sweeping audience. I enjoyed reading it, learned from it, and re [1] P.67 [2] p.173 [3] p.3 [4] p.56 [5] p.24 [6] p.149
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Myth of Cyberterrorism
Problems in economy With using viruses, worm has costed to the USA $15 bil 2 Mind hackers targeted government computers Content and Organisation Read the paragraph below taken from the text â€Å"Myth of Cyberterrorism†and analyse the content and organisation. â€Å"The main reason for this controversy is that cyber-threats have not materialized as a national security threat, even granted that there have been some few incidents with at least some potential for grave consequences.Interestingly enough, both hypers and de-hypers tend to agree on this point. But while the first group assumes that vicious attacks that wreak havoc and paralyze whole nations are imminent, more cautious researchers often point to the practical difficulties of a serious cyberattack (Ingles-le Nobel, 1999), question the assumption of critical infrastructure vulnerabilities (Lewis, 2002; Smith, 1998, 2000), or point to unclear benefits of cyber- attacks for terrorist groups (Barak, 2004).Despite this c aution, however, even the second group contends that one â€Å"cannot afford to shrug off the threat†(Denning, 001 a) due to unclear and rapid tuture technological development as well as dynamic change of the capabilities of terrorism groups themselves (Technical Analysis Group, 2003). To summarize the debate in a nutshell: due to too many uncertainties concerning the scope of the threat, experts are unable to conclude whether cyber-terror is fact or fiction, or, since they are unwilling to dismiss the threat completely, how long it is likely to remain fiction.
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